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Life with anxiety

Life with anxiety means being scared all the time. And not knowing why.
It means a constant state of fear and panic and losing control over your mind and body. Not knowing what's happening and trying to figure it out only to fail.

It means not knowing what's wrong with you and it means people telling you there's nothing wrong with you. But you know there is. Only you know it.

Life with anxiety means unfocused, unorganized, bamboozled mind and a confused , hyperactive, panicked body trying to settle each other down only to make each other worse.

It means not being able to concentrate or carry on with your daily life. Studying, working, cleaning or even hanging out with friends and family becomes impossible. Sitting with them and still not being present. Not being able to listen , not being able to focus on what everybody is saying or doing around you. Sometimes it means quitting on life and closing the curtains and isolating yourself.

Life with anxiety means sleepless nights. Life with anxiety means some nights that feel like they'll be your last. It means waking up in the middle of the night. Crying. And praying . For nothing particularly. Praying for peace. Just peace.

It means having pains that have nothing to do with your organs. Feeling like somebody stabbed you in the chest while the only thing that is really hurting you is your own mind. Your muscles hurting , when it's not the muscles hurting. Your heart aching, when it's not the heart that is aching.

It means not being able to get out of bed in the morning because your "sixth sense" tells you it's going to be a bad day. It means not being able to make the simplest decisions in your day because you don't "feel right" about them . It means making the most ridiculous excuses to cancel plans because of your "gut feeling" .

And the best part is seeking help. Spending a while trying to make people believe you. Living through labels and comments like "attention seeker' , " overly dramatic" ,"stressed out" and ,as the doctors call you, "a functional patient", and finally giving up, helping yourself ,diagnosing yourself and your pains, living through them and fixing them yourself . And then they have the audacity to ask, "why don't you seek help?" , "why don't you talk about it?" , " why didn't you tell someone? " It's because no one understands. You're only lucky if you bump into someone who listens to you and believes you and doesn't tell you to "calm down". But not everyone will help. Not everyone will understand what it's like to have a life with anxiety.

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