A few days ago I saw a short film on the TV. The story revolved around a girl who had been through all kinds of problems in life, tortured by everyone around her and struggled to survive, until one day she made it. She proved herself, got everything in life, helped others around her and was happy. But was she REALLY happy though? Was the purpose of her life fulfilled though? Apparently not. Right before the story ended they added a new character. This character was a strong,successful man who was in all ways perfect for the girl. Now as perfect and happy as the ending was, it led me to think , is a woman's story never complete without a man being in it ? Does a hero always have to be necessary to make her story complete? For once, can't a woman be her own hero? The answer is no. Not where we live. We can't even make a movie with a female alone being a role model, let alone see it happen in real life. Before everyone starts throwing famous quotes and religious v...