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Phone cancer

It's not a surprise that the harmful effects of using a cell phone have been in question for a while now. Mass studies have been and are being done to conclude whether or not we keep slow poisons in our pockets all day. 

Image result for keep phone at distance

Studies done back in 2010 and 11 had dismissed any such rumors but the researches done later in 2012 and 14 had some results that brought back the concerns. It was feared that prolonged usage of WiFi ,and cell phones in general, had a great impact on one's health. Increased incidents of brain cancers and tumors as gliomas and acoustic neuromas were a huge matter of concern. 

The gradually progressing cases of child cancer being reported and the increasing developments of individual child cancer wards and hospitals have brought back the horrors to the attention of science researchers. Does this have anything to do with the children's continuous exposure to cell phone radiations ?
Unfortunately, the studies have been inconclusive and unreliable because:

  • most target subjects ,i.e children and adolescents, own a cell phone and use it frequently so it is hard to do a study comparing high and low cell phone usage
  • also, cancer development takes years and decades to show its signs and it's hard to rely on the history provided by current cancer patients. Those of which the activity and usage is being monitored may take years to demonstrate any evidence.

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So, what can we do until we get that reliable, conclusive evidence? Should we just sit back and wait until they tell us we have been exposing our children to life-threatening radiations ? Or should we take the precautions just in case ? Better safe than sorry, right ?
So here are a few ways that can help lower down the risks ( that is, if there are any) .

  • Don't sleep with your phone under your pillow

Sleeping with the phones under their pillows is the most common thing to do among young phone-users these days , and possibly the most stupid. (No offence!)
There are numerous reasons why this is a bad idea.
The phone emits radiations and your pillow isn't the best insulating weapon out there , believe it or not .
The device gets heated up if it doesn't get the exposure and that is dangerous for obvious reasons. Small machine emitting radiations like crazy and boiling up under your head is pretty self explanatory as to why you shouldn't keep it there. 

  • Keep a distance

While you sleep , put your phone on the side table. While you're awake and not using it, keep it at a distance. It's emitting radio-waves whether you use it or not , so you might want to avoid getting extra electricity bills while you're not even home, you feel me ?
If you're around your child,like when he/shes is in your lap, keep the phone away from both of you.
Every phone has their minimum safe distance disclaimer . Like iPhone ,for example , advises their users to hold their phones at least 10mm or half an inch away from their brain and body. Pay attention to it.

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  • Turn on the Airplane mode

When you're not using your phone or while you're sleeping , and especially when you give your phone to a child, turn on the airplane mode to shut down the radiation exposure to the maximum .

  • Turn off the WiFi

If you're afraid turning off your phone or putting it on airplane mode will make you lose important messages or calls, turn off the WiFi. It only attracts extra radio-waves and you want to avoid every bit of that extra radiation. 

  • Keep away from children

Studies have shown that children under the age of 20 have a risk four times greater to develop brain cancers due to radiation exposure by cell phones. Do not let a child develop the habit of using cell phones until they are in their 20s. Only give them the phone for emergency uses and texting.

  • Use hands free or speakers

During calls, for children especially, try to use more hands-free options or speakers to avoid direct contact of the phone with body and the skin.

Image result for using hands free

  • Don't use the phone in front of the child

Children are attracted to what they see around them. Everything shiny or unique attracts them and it's hard to keep them away from it for long. So if you want to protect your child and don't want him/her throwing tantrums demanding the device from you and ultimately giving up and give it to them , don't use it in front of them in the first place ! If they wont see it , they wont be as curious.
Instead, adapt your routine to only check your social media and answer emails during the night time after putting the child to bed or while he/she takes a nap.
If you really need to use it , go ahead you're not on a diet. But avoid using it while the child is close to you. 

  • Don't give a child a cell phone to keep them busy 

As busy as it has gotten for parents ,especially mothers, giving children a cell phone to keep them busy so you can have 5 minutes to yourself or do your chores without being disturbed is a common life hack nowadays. Sadly, this is wrong. This is how the child develops the habit. And as clever as they may seem, they don't know how close or far they should keep the device from their bodies and their ears and their eyes. This causes all kinds of damages in the long term. Indulge them in other activities and toys instead of handing them a machine.

  • Don't use it in the dark

Avoid using your phone while the lights are out. This will affect not only your brain but also your eye sight. Avoid using it in the dark if your child is right next to you. He may be peeking ! The radiations won't discriminate between the user and the side audience. 

Image result for using phone in dark

Children are a priority in every household no matter what the issue is about. Their safety should remain uncompromised. Taking care of all possible dangers to their health and personalities is an important responsibility. Why take risks in any matter, small or big? I say again, better safe than sorry, right ?


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