But was she REALLY happy though? Was the purpose of her life fulfilled though? Apparently not. Right before the story ended they added a new character. This character was a strong,successful man who was in all ways perfect for the girl.
Now as perfect and happy as the ending was, it led me to think , is a woman's story never complete without a man being in it ? Does a hero always have to be necessary to make her story complete? For once, can't a woman be her own hero? The answer is no. Not where we live. We can't even make a movie with a female alone being a role model, let alone see it happen in real life.
Before everyone starts throwing famous quotes and religious verses at me reminding me of a man's importance in a woman's life, I want to clarify that I do agree. A man's presence makes a woman's life complete. Marriage is an essential and a beautiful part of her life. But let's not forget that it's a PART of her life. Not the purpose of her life.
I am someone who has always believed in gender EQUITY more than equality. Every person should be given what they require, and what is lawfully theirs to demand, not what everyone else is given. I had never seen myself particularly as a feminist before the day I saw the film and realized how much this reality pinches me. It not only gives me a tremendous reality check but is painful and uncomfortable at the same time.
I guess it would have pinched me the exact same way if it happened the other way around. Men deserve to be the heroes of their stories as well. But most of the time, the society let's them. Which is a good thing. It is the fundamental right of a human being. To struggle, flourish and be appreciated and admired for their hard work. To be their own heroes, which they become.
And when they do, do they not get married? Of course they do. Do they not love and admire their wives? Of course they do. Do their wives complete their lives? ?Yes, definitely. Then why is it that when a woman wants to be her own hero, she's told that she must stop the nonsense feminism and acknowledge that she NEEDS a man to breathe?
Let me make something very clear today. Feminism does not mean that we do not appreciate a man or recognize his importance in our lives. It does not mean that "Men are trash" and "We will live alone because who needs a man anyway?"
No. Let me tell you what feminism means.
Being a feminist means that we want the same acknowledgement of our roles in the society and the lives of people, as men. It's as simple as that.
It means that we want people to realize that a woman is as important for any society or generation to flourish, as a man.
We do not demand superiority. We do not demand positions, benefits or facilities higher than men's. We demand both equity and equality, both in different scenarios. We demand the importance, the appreciation and the rights given to us by law and by religion. The respect, the space, the freedom that has been promised to us by law and by religion, and nothing more.
We demand to be recognized as a vital part of the community. We demand the freedom of speech, the freedom of opinion and the freedom of choice. We demand the freedom of LIFE.
The word "feminism" has too many different (and mostly wrong) ideas and concepts that define it in our (or any other) society. The word is nothing more than a demand for recognition.
Why is it so hard to understand? Why are people threatened by it? Why is it socially unacceptable? Is there some horrendous, shameful aspect to it that escapes our boundaries as women of religion? Or would you want to argue against it by references from the law?
There is nothing wrong, shameful or unacceptably bold in the idea of feminism. It's time we became educated about these things. It's 2019, people. Give yourself a break.
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